Welcome to the UK’s first-ever map of Meals on Wheels providers. Follow the three simple steps below to find Meals on Wheels providers delivering to your address and view information about them.
Start your search
Enter the first line of your address or postcode. Select your address from the list.
Can’t see your address? Enter your village, town, city or local landmark name.
Check your location
If needed, you can alter your location by dragging the house icon to the correct position on the map. Alternatively, you can double-click on your location on the map, which will position the house icon on that location.
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Providers who deliver to your address
Complete the steps above to find your local Meals on Wheels providers.
Important Information:
The information provided for each Meals on Wheels provider is based upon what is reported on their website. This might be subject to change. Please contact individual providers to ensure you have all the up-to-date information you need to make an informed decision before you commence, or refer someone to, a Meals on Wheels service (e.g. about specific dietary requirements or needs you might have). Please also feel free to discuss with your GP or the care needs assessment team of your Council or Health and Social Care Trust.
The map might not reflect the complete list of Meals on Wheels providers currently available across all four UK nations. If a Meals on Wheels service, or a service that you are aware of, is not listed on the map and you’d like it to be included, please contact us, either by emailing or by completing this form. Please also contact us to advise of any errors, or to let us know if a provider no longer exists. We welcome your feedback to help make this resource as useful as possible.
The information provided on this website is intended to help users locate Meals on Wheels providers in the United Kingdom. While we strive to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, we cannot guarantee its completeness or reliability. Providers listed have not been vetted by us, and we do not assess their standards, including food hygiene, driver Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, or other quality measures.
We encourage users of the Meals on Wheels UK website to independently verify the suitability and reliability of any provider before using their services. This website is not financially supported by, or affiliated with, any listed providers, and we cannot accept liability for any loss, damage, or inconvenience arising from the use of this website or the services listed.
Your safety and satisfaction are important - please exercise due diligence when selecting a provider (you can visit our FAQ page for some ideas on how to do that).